
UDK: 624.044:69.009.183
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 54 (2002) 1
Paper type: Subject review
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Nonlinear response of structures designed according to Croatian and European standards

Vladimir Sigmund, Ivica Guljaš, Andreas Stanić


The nonlinear seismic response of structures dimensioned according to Croatian standards is compared with that of structures designed according to Eurocode 8. This comparison is based on models of regular reinforced-concrete structures with three systems for assuming horizontal forces. Several structural models have been selected and their seismic responses were calculated for the assumed impact of a series of earthquakes. Global and local seismic response parameters are analyzed and appropriate conclusions are proposed.

nonlinear response, comparison of results, structure, design, Croatian standards, Eurocode 8


Sigmund, V., Guljaš, I., Stanić, A.: Nonlinear response of structures designed according to Croatian and European standards, GRAĐEVINAR, 54 (2002) 1


Sigmund, V., Guljaš, I., Stanić, A. (2002). Nonlinear response of structures designed according to Croatian and European standards, GRAĐEVINAR, 54 (1)
Vladimir Sigmund WEB
Vladimir Sigmund
University of J. J. Strossmayera in Osijek
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Ivica Guljaš
University of J.J. Strossmayera in Osijek,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Stanic WEB
Andreas Stanić
University of J.J. Strossmayera in Osijek,
Faculty of Civil Engineering